Sunday, November 8, 2009

In and out, dilemma all over again

Human relation, what makes us humans so vulnerable that we would throw everything we have for that relation. Be it family or friend or a love relation, we humans tend to forget what is important and what is of secondary importance.

With that being said, yes, this post that concerns dilemma has got something to do with relation. No, I am strictly not going to mention or tell which kind of relation it is but I am sure all of you out there would agree with me that dilemma is the one kind of feeling that nobody would like to experience in the long run.

I do not really know what has gotten into myself. After this long break and absence from the blogging community, I decided to choose this fateful rainy morning to break the silence on my blog.

So what do you all think about dilemma? Frankly, I take dilemma as a nuisance. It messes up your mind and makes you think a whole load of stuff that you're not going to think about in the first place. All those unnecessary things, unwanted thoughts and maybe fear. Dilemma is also often associated with decision making. A person may be in dilemma over a certain decision that he/she is about to make. Weighting the possible outcomes and circumstances that might occur.

It is quite a nuisance isn't it? So how do we solve this? Any idea on how I could broaden my mind and thinking? Release a bit of that stress and clear my head to make a better and unclouded judgement?

Thank you for reading.



oriflame-russia said...


Bouamar jouadi said...

شيك وحلم. بوعمرو.لحسن عبدالقادر الجوادي المغرب. 212674008772