Monday, April 28, 2008

The Start of Something New

I woke up today d**n early today. I don't know why but i was surprised myself. Maybe its something good cause if i can get this post as Marketing Executive i will need to get to work by 8.30 every morning. (Except Sundays of course -.-)

Did the daily routine that i do before i go out, take bath, brush teeth bla bla bla... but not breakfast -.- you may wonder why but somehow breakfast has never been in my daily routine. After all that, i was getting ready to go out. Put on my shoes etc.... opened the front door... and ..... clicked on the switch to open the gate.................. but nothing happened..... s**t!! The gate won't open -.-" and the weather was already getting so hot and humid !! I was like "OMG, NOT AGAIN!!"

So i had to open the gate manually... after done doing all those finally i am on my way. After driving halfway down the main road i reached Pujut 4 roundabout... then i thought to myself, where was i going again? It's not the first time this happened. I was practically clueless on where i was going to go so early in the morning.

Eventually, i ended up in Yakin Food Center eating dim sum and sushi. Nothing special about the dim sum, priced at RM 2 each what can you expect? Sushi is at RM 2.50 per roll if i am not mistaken. I don't really keep track on where i spend my money so yeah that's just an estimated guess.

Don't have pictures for breakfast but it was a light one as i only spent RM 6 on my breakfast. 1 fishball dim sum, 1 roll of sushi and 1 bottle of mineral water. Done having breakfast, i got on my car and started the engine... after a few seconds, i ask myself the same question again. Where am i going now? (LOL you must think i am such a dork) 1 minute into thinking on where i should be going, my handphone rang. It was my friend calling me reminding me to send in my cover letter and resume for the Marketing Executive post. (OMG i am not even halfway through those stuff)

Rushed back home switched on my pc and started grinding on the letter and resume. Approximately around noon, i finished typing and printed everything out. Next i went to Boulevard shopping complex to get a picture of myself taken as i need to put one passport size photo in my resume. That took like... 20 minutes... took my pictures went to my car, started the engine and turned on the air-conditioning. I took out my pictures and looked at them... OMG i look like a dork ! =.=" No choice now.. that's the price i have to pay for doing everything last minute.

Attached the picture to the resume and made my way to Parkson where i called my friend and handed him the envelope containing the application letters etc etc... By now, it was like 2 in the afternoon.. i just realized that i have not eaten anything since my light breakfast this morning. I didn't know what to eat so i drove myself to Sabrina Corner in Saberkas. Ordered a nasi lemak and a blueberry sparkling juice. Total = RM 8 (RM 3 for the nasi lemak and RM 5 for the sparkling juice)

Here are the remains of my feast :)

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