Tuesday, July 14, 2009

KL Life - Day #3

Day #3!! Started off early as we were supposed to report in at Cititel Mid Valley by 9 am. So we sorted ourselves and started out just a little before 8 am. Reached Mid Valley by 8.20 am or so then we had some breakfast.

Day #2 started off quite badly and at the end of the day, got a score of 5 wins of 12 rounds. Not bad for a first timer I guess. We stayed back for a bit to watch the semifinals and finals. In the end, the winner of the Malaysian Nationals is Joe Soh with his red green aggro deck.

After that, we headed on to Mid Valley's food court for dinner and then to the card shop on the same floor. Here we came across a game also produced by Wizards of The Coast called Dreamblade.

Its a game similar to Magic just that everything is in miniatures but not cards. It looks like a cool game but too bad it has been discontinued. Below is a picture of a cool rare that is available in Dreamblade.

We also bought some Japanese boosters and I managed to get a Japanese version of Maelstrom Pulse. *big big grin*

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