Friday, June 13, 2008

Fresh New Start

Friday the 13th !! Some say this is a super unlucky day but i think otherwise. It is correct that sometimes superstitions may be true, but what matters most is do you have faith in yourself and in god. I made a drastic decision today. Wouldn't really say it drastic but to me, it is. I changed my hair style.... which i loved so much.. but then i was sick of the old hairstyle so decided it is time for a change and maybe, it is time for a fresh new start and a start of a new chapter in my life.

I've heard of a suggestion of picture blogging from someone a while back so maybe from now on, my blogs are going to be full of pictures :D

So for today, i'll start with pictures of me camwhore-ing hehe. Please do give feedback be it good or not all are welcomed.

heheheh, it is nothing special and no i am not handsome but i really enjoy taking pictures of myself. Long live photography!!! Heheheh i think i'm really poisoned already. Going to get a DSLR soon!


BMyself said...

saf you are really too thin already

jianH said...

wow, I cannot imagine u camwhoring using a SLR??

Saf said...

I'm not using SLR la... using phone cam...

yea lo.. too thin.. eat how much also wont fat.. went for check up last week... my liver got some probs.

:) said...

Hey i think you look like the HongKong artist called Bosco

Saf said...

har... lol.. thats the first time someone said that.. hahahahah thanks tho