Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Moment In Time

Have you ever wondered what you would do if you had a moment of your past? Or a moment of your future? Recently i have been thinking. What is it like if you could relive your past or go to the future then come back to the present to change what you think will affect your life then.

People always think and wonder what is it like to have this ability. But honestly, i believe other than God Himself, there is no one else that can do a thing like that. Sometimes, you may have dreams which foretell what would happen but that phenomenon hardly ever happens to everyone. I have had a few dreams where i dream of a scenario that involves me in it and it happens in real life but the outcome of the situation is not the same. When that happens, i get flashbacks of what i dreamt but i never could recall the dream when i wanted to. It is as if, i have restricted access to the memory of my own dream.

You may wonder why am i blogging about this. Honestly, something that happened approximately 14 to 15 hours ago made me start thinking. As most of the people in Miri know, there was a young man who suicided by jumping off a 10 story building in town area yesterday. From what i heard, this young man, does not gamble, or have any serious problems of a sort. It made me wonder why he did it. It just doesn't make sense. Why leave your family behind when you are already going through your life just fine?

That is just the half of it. A few hours ago, i saw this TV series on TV of course. It was about this guy who goes to sleep and wakes up 20 years earlier etc. When he gets back to his present time, his wife tells him he has been gone for two days. A lot of things happened and in the end, the real reason that it happened to the guy was he was supposed to save someone from dying. I know i know it is just a TV show but i would think of it as a very odd coincidence?

Almost 14 hours earlier someone suicided in my own town and less than 14 hours later, there is a TV series that portrays a man who goes to sleep in the present and wakes up in the past just to save lives and bad things from happening. It made me wonder. What if, what if we were given a moment in time to fix all the things we've done wrong in the past or in the future? What if we are given a chance to see a moment of our future? What would you do?

To me, this phrase has a lot of hidden meanings. It could be interpreted in a many ways and it varies on how each person sees it. I don't know what people out there would do with a moment in their past or future. I only know that if i had a moment in my past, i would definitely use it to correct whatever i have done wrong and set things straight.

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